It is pretty clear that we are living in a time of information abundance. Over recent years, I've become more and more comfortable as a searcher. I "google" just about anything I need. I'm looking for a recipe, google it. Need to get a stain out of something, google it. Can't remember what movie I know an actor from, google it! I find it quite interesting that the term Google meant to describe a company has quickly become a verb. I actually looked it up and here is what it says:
verb: google; 3rd person present: googles; past tense: googled; past participle: googled; gerund or present participle: googling
search for information about (someone or something) on the Internet using the search engine Google.
"I recently googled my 7th grade teacher and found his current e-mail address"
In recent years, I've become fascinated with all the Google search tools available. Every time I attend a conference, I look for sessions where the presenter is a Google Certified Teacher and try to gain any many new tips as I can. Tools are being added and changed so often! One of my favorites that I always teach my students is the ability to search in Google by "Reading Level". When conducting a search in Google, you can click on "Search Tools" and then you can select the reading level under "All Results".
I do consider myself part of the Google generation, even though I was not born after 1993. The more I have learned about how search engines work, like Google, the better searcher I have become. I think about what I'm entering into that search bar. When I can't find what I need right away, I think about what I am doing and why I have gotten certain results. I rethink what to put in the search bar. When I'm helping my students develop their own search strategy, I try my best to explain to them my thought process when searching, hoping that it will lead some of them to stop the habit of typing the entire question.
After watching Eli Pariser's TED Talk on The Filter Bubble, I was a bit concerned about how I can avoid this happening to me. I began doing a little searching on that topic. I found this article about 10 things you can do to pop your filter bubble.
It's an interesting read. I'll be using some of these tips to make sure I avoid the filter bubble and have access to ALL information.